Satoshi Nakamoto has just arrived in your village and brings you vision for a fairer society. You find yourself at a turning point in human history, your initial mistrust is replaced by a promise in a more credible future you learning Bitcoin and now you become the messenger of human progress, a vision that will liberate humanity.
Bitcoin White Paper - The Abstract & 12 chapters
A series of thirteen GIF images and one PNG image.

Torn from the Bible, painted in ink and animated in high definition
by the mood of the clash of civilisations.
The Abstract and 12 Chapters of Bitcoin White Paper.
The Abstract and 12 Chapters of Bitcoin White Paper.
Reaching full art & tech circle with RARIBIBLE art works.
Sending complete series of 13 original illustrations to an art collector who owns the entire #NFT series,
tokenised and sold via @rariblecom

0. Abstract Bitcoin A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
1. Introduction
2. Transactions
3. Timestamp Server
4. Proof-of-Work
5. Network
6. Incentive
7. Reclaiming Disk Space
8. Simplified Payment Verification
9. Combining and Splitting Value
10. Privacy
11. Calculations
12. Conclusion
complete sequence in a single image
13 images of RARIBIBLE - Bitcoin White Paper visualisation in a single collage.
High definition PNG (14455x2000px).
Fits into Cryptovoxels 43x7m format.
1/1 edition